Monday 16 May 2016

Tim Adams 2010 Clare Valley Reserve Riesling

A CLARE VALLEY Riesling to think about with
fresh-shucked oysters now, or not again
until 2036 – and, yes, that is 20 years away.

ONE TO NOTE:  TIM ADAMS believes that Rieslings from the Clare Valley are most enjoyable when drunk young and zesty, or alternatively left until they've had five years or more in the bottle to develop almost-trademark complex toasty honey and bloom characters.

And while we're suggesting that a 2010 Clare Valley Reserve Riesling that Tim's just released is a wonderful drop to buy-now and enjoy-now, we're also right behind him when he says that here's one that's worth tucking away in ideal conditions to enjoy in anything up to 20 years down the track – yes, that's around mid-2036. But if that's too far away, pay $29 now and enjoy with fresh-shucked oysters or other seafoods.


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