Saturday, 27 August 2011

Sips and the City Takes Sydney

Media Release

WHO: Louise Hemsley-Smith (Battle of Bosworth and Spring Seed Wines), Corrina Wright (Oliver's Taranga), Samantha Connew (Tower Estate), and your hosts Louise Radman (Wine lady of Radpublic) and Miss Kate Parry (Wine with Curves)

WHAT: Giggle and gulp with women winemakers and discover you don't need a wang to make good wine. $70 per person includes tasting plate and wine.

WHEN: Wednesday, 21st September 6-8.30pm

WHERE: Fix St James, 111 Elizabeth St SYDNEY

Sydney lady lovers of wine and a good time, you are invited to giggle and gulp with female "MW's" (Mistresses of Wine) —Louise Hemsley-Smith, Corrina Wright, Samantha Connew, Louise Radman and Kate Parry and become familiar with some of this season's hottest labels—Tower Estate, Oliver's Taranga, Spring Seed, and Battle of Bosworth.

"Cosmos are passé, vino's the new way!" said winemaker Corrina Wright of Oliver's Taranga.

Send those misters big or small away with their cocktails between their legs, as this one's not for the lads. The all-girl gathering will soak up how four mistresses of wine tame their grapes, and guests will become well heeled in their various styles and support the Variety Club at the same time.

The idea for this event came when a bunch of ladies more accustomed to Valentino than vermentino were together drinking wine but lamenting the fact they didn't feel quite right talking about it.

"We thought, what better way than to get a bunch of leading wine women together, taste, talk and enjoy?" said Louise Radman of Radpublic..
"There will be a wine options game like no other, prizes and all for a good cause in Variety" said Kate Parry, who prefers her wine with curves. "Frock up and make a night of it."

Fix St James owner, Stuart Knox said he was sure once word got out about the ladies only event that Elizabeth St would be teeming with men. "I'm looking forward to welcoming women in droves!"

"We know that women outside the industry are anxious to learn a bit more about wine, but can feel a bit out of their depth with all the wine language," says Louise Hemsley-Smith of Battle of Bosworth and Spring Seed Wines.

"With Sips and the City," explains Samantha Connew, "we're providing a comfortable avenue for women to have their wine questions answered by women, and take in a bit of knowledge and fine wine at the same time."

March those Manolo's in to drink Montepulciano, sachet Ferragamo to splash Fiano and replace Valentino with Vermentino at Sips in the City.

Bookings - Fix St James 02 9232 2767

Twitter: @fixstjames @gandtqueen @oliverstaranga @bosworthwines @ louiseradman @ misskateparry #sipsandthecity Facebook:

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