Monday, 28 September 2015

Lindeman's 2014 Early Harvest Semillon Sauvignon Blanc - a light alternative

A SEMILLON Sauvignon Blanc
that's 25% lighter in alcohol
and calories, yet full-flavoured to match
with seafood or chicken salads.
ONE TO NOTE:  IF you like to watch the alcohol content of the wine you are drinking, and that of course means the calories as well, Lindeman's have a 2014 Early Harvest Semillon Sauvignon Blanc that's 25 per cent lighter than regular wines – but without any compromise in flavour enjoyment.

By using select parcels of fruit from early ripening regions in south-eastern Australia, it meant lower sugar levels in that fruit – and thus lower alcohol in the resultant wine.

But with still nicely forward tropical fruit flavours and herbaceousness, this is a nice fresh and crisp drop to enjoy with seafoods or chicken salads – and value at just $16.

 for week beginning 28 September 2015

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